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Child Support

Murfreesboro Child Support Attorneys

Helping You Understand Your Rights & Obligations

When parents separate or divorce, they must determine how to share the costs of raising their children. In Tennessee, child support is calculated based on a specific formula that takes into account the parents’ incomes, the number of children, and other factors. While the formula is relatively straightforward, it can be difficult to determine the appropriate amount of child support in some cases. At Santel | Garner, our Murfreesboro child support lawyers can help you understand your rights and obligations and work to ensure that the child support order is fair and reasonable.

For more information about child support in Tennessee, call (615) 987-0268 or contact us online.

How Child Support Is Calculated in Tennessee

In Tennessee, child support is calculated using the Tennessee Child Support Guidelines. The guidelines are based on the idea that children should receive the same proportion of parental income that they would have received if the parents were living together. The guidelines take into account the following factors:

  • The parents’ gross income
  • The number of children
  • The number of days each parent has with the children
  • The cost of health insurance
  • The cost of work-related child care
  • Any other child support obligations

Once the court has determined the appropriate amount of child support, it will issue a child support order. The order will specify the amount of child support, the date it is due, and how it should be paid. The order will also specify how the child support will be enforced and how it can be modified.

How Long Does Child Support Last in Tennessee?

In Tennessee, child support generally lasts until the child turns 18. However, if the child is still in high school when he or she turns 18, child support will continue until the child graduates or turns 19, whichever comes first. Child support may also continue if the child is disabled and unable to support himself or herself.

Consequences of Failing to Pay Child Support

Child support is a legal obligation, and if you fail to pay it, you can face serious consequences. If you are behind on child support, the other parent can go to court and ask the judge to hold you in contempt. If the judge finds you in contempt, you may be required to pay a fine or serve time in jail. The judge may also order you to pay the other parent’s attorney’s fees. In addition, the judge may order your wages to be garnished or your tax refund to be intercepted. If you are behind on child support, it is important to take the matter seriously and seek legal help as soon as possible.

Can I Modify a Child Support Order?

Child support orders can be modified if there has been a significant change in circumstances. For example, if you lose your job or take a pay cut, you may be able to get your child support obligation reduced. Similarly, if you get a raise or a better-paying job, the other parent may be able to get your child support obligation increased. If you want to modify a child support order, you must go to court and ask the judge to modify the order. The judge will only modify the order if you can show that there has been a significant change in circumstances.

Strategies for Enforcing Child Support Orders

At Santel Garner, PLLC, our experienced child support attorneys can help you navigate the complex process of enforcing child support orders in Tennessee. If you are facing challenges with receiving the child support payments you are entitled to, our legal team can provide the guidance and representation you need to ensure that the other parent fulfills their financial obligations.

Some of the ways our child support lawyers can assist you with enforcing child support orders include:

  • Filing a motion for contempt if the other parent is not making court-ordered child support payments
  • Working with the Tennessee Department of Human Services to collect past-due child support
  • Assisting with wage garnishment to ensure consistent child support payments
  • Seeking enforcement through the court system to hold the non-paying parent accountable

Don't let non-payment of child support affect your child's well-being. Contact Santel Garner, PLLC today to learn how we can help you enforce your child support order.

Benefits of Hiring a Child Support Lawyer

Child support is a complex area of law, and it can be difficult to determine the appropriate amount of child support in some cases. At Santel | Garner our Murfreesboro child support attorneys can help you understand your rights and obligations and work to ensure that the child support order is fair and reasonable. We can also help you seek a modification of the child support order if there has been a significant change in circumstances.

For more information about child support in Tennessee, call (615) 987-0268 or contact us online to speak with our Murfreesboro child support lawyer.

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  • We Highly Value Building Client Relationships
  • Tommy Santel Is a Former Prosecutors